We aIM TO support Kettle Moraine School District students, educators, the administration and its vision of “learning without boundaries”.
While those within the KM Alliance have different backgrounds and political views, we share common values and goals for our School District. We support a parent engagement model that recognizes the important roles and responsibilities of ALL students, educators, and parents in our education system, not just the ‘rights’ of some parents with a partisan goal to shape the agenda for the rest of us. We also want to maintain the School Board’s policy governance model that has paved the way for so many innovative opportunities for learning within our district.
To that end, we advocate for a nonpartisan School Board whose members are not beholden to any particular partisan interests but are focused on serving the educational needs and wellbeing of ALL of our students. We don’t expect our School Board members to be experts in education, but we do expect them to conduct themselves with integrity, to be honest, transparent, and accountable to the entire community. We respect and value the role of teachers in our children’s education and want to support the exceptional educators that we are privileged to have in our district.
In 2006-2007, the Kettle Moraine School District embarked on a process of transformation designed to better and more efficiently meet the needs of all students. That process, which continues today, has resulted in a district that prepares students for success in a rapidly changing and dynamic future, a district that offers unique charter school opportunities and the top ranked high school in Wisconsin, a district that is studied and emulated by other schools around the U.S. and the world. We are proud of Kettle Moraine schools. We want the District to continue improving and building upon its successes.
We are acutely aware of the highly politicized and partisan funded movement aimed at local School Boards across the nation dividing our communities using ‘culture war’ topics as the wedge. These wedge issues do nothing to advance the learning environment within our schools - they only work to drive a partisan political agenda at the expense of students, teachers and public schools.
This highly partisan movement sweeping our nation, provides inaccurate information about our schools and our educators in an effort to stoke fears within the community, sow distrust of our beloved teachers, and tear down the progress that our school district has made. We are committed to providing accurate information on current issues in education and on the efforts of Kettle Moraine School District.