Next School Board Meeting:

march 11, 2025

Kettle Moraine High School - Library
349 N. Oak Crest Dr.
Wales, WI 53183
(If you plan to speak, please arrive early to ensure you are able to sign up for public comments)

Review details from the latest board meetings:

Get Informed about the Board’s purpose, when they meet and how you can engage.

The elected school board is extremely important to maintain the academic excellence students at Kettle Moraine have been receiving for many decades.

It’s important to elect non-partisan candidates that will focus on the needs of ALL students and families in the district and support educators.

The Kettle Moraine School District enacted a Policy Governance Model in 2005 which allowed the school board to work in a more collegial manner with the school superintendent and administrators. This model helped move KMSD to an innovative school district that has five district charter schools and multiple innovative programs that provided families choices to best meet every student’s learning needs through multiple paths. These paths have high levels of career focused, real life learning, along with high level academics.

We need board members that will continue to focus on high quality education and innovative programming that will prepare each student for tomorrow's workforce.

There is a nationwide push to create schools that follow a narrow partisan curriculum that is one size fits all. Help keep the autonomy of the KMSD so every student has the right path and access to quality programs by voting for non-partisan candidates that ensure all student and educators needs are at the forefront of their choices. 

It is crucial for the Kettle Moraine community to stay informed on all school board policy reviews, conversations and intentions.

The KM School board agenda can be found a few days before each meeting. Recordings of each meeting can be accessed one day after meetings are held. We encourage community members to attend board meetings in person, if possible, to show the community cares about KM schools and to hold the school board accountable to all stakeholders. This is not happening to the degree in which it should, and we owe it to our children to get parents and community members to show up and advocate for our district, our educators and all students.

All residents and parents of open enrolled students can speak during public comments. You can speak to inform the school board about positive stories and show support for building administrators, teachers and students. You can also voice your concerns about KMSD and the conduct of school board members. Community members will need to sign in at school board meetings prior to the start, and will have three minutes for remarks. It takes the whole community working together to preserve our amazing schools and hold board members accountable for their words and actions. If you can not attend a meeting to speak, you can also email school board members with your comments and concerns.

Current Members

Board Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Board Meeting Video Links

Board Meeting Schedule

Board Policies

Kettle Moraine Operating Policies (KMORRS)